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Export & Import - MISC Notification

Dated 20th March, 2018 | Copy of | MISC Notification Sl.1 |

Area under horticulture crops recording an increase of 1.9% over previous year

Sourced from Press Information Bureau The Department of Agriculture, Cooperation and Farmers Welfare has released the Second Advance Estimates of Area and Production of Horticulture Crops for 2016-17. These estimates are based on the information received from different State/UTs in the country. The production of horticulture crops in the country during 2016-17 is estimated to be more than 295 million tonnes which 3.2 % higher as compared to the previous year’s 2015-16 estimates. The area under horticulture crops has increased from 245 lakh ha to 249 lakh ha in 2016-17 recording an increase of 1.9% over previous year.  Fruits production during the current year is estimated to be 93 million tonnes which  2.9% higher than the previous year.  Production of vegetables is estimated to be around 175 million tonnes which  3.5% higher than the ...

Government for promotion of domestic fertilizers

 The Dollar Business Bureau The Minister of State for Chemicals & Fertilizers, Hansraj Gangaram Ahir, on Friday, informed about the government’s moves focused on the incentivization of the domestic production of fertilizers. According to the Minister, a study conducted by the Department of Fertilizers through Ernst & Young focused on the impact of Nutrition Based Subsidy (NBS). According to the findings of the study, the overall burden from the Phosphatic & Potassic (P&K) fertilizers declined, the availability of the same improved, and there has been a significant increase in prices payable by farmers for P&K fertilizers. The study further recommended that the prices of P&K fertilizers must be reasonable and the Indian players in mines should make a strategic investment ...