Search Result for : Transpacific Partnership

Free Trade Agreements: Fears sans cheers!

Steven Philip Warner | The Dollar Business  It’s easy to welcome diplomats for dinner sponsored by your taxpayers. It’s another thing to convince them to open their doors to your exporters. Eat they will [do you hate free lunches?] but apple polishers vanish when you have a price tag pegged to your homemade dishes. India’s experience is such. The reference to foreign representatives and “making them give too”, is because 2015 is a special year. Big, actually. Two mega-foreign trade pacts (FTAs/RTAs) should come into force this year involving nations accounting for over 60% of world GDP. One being the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) between EU and US, the other being the Transpacific Partnership (TPP) that US will ...